
My name is Lizzy Spalding. I grew up in the Southern Berkshires, traveled the world, and came back to start a family. I want to help other mamas do the same.

As a birth doula, I support families during pregnancy, birth, and the early postpartum stage. In addition, I provide prenatal support sessions with the goal of preparing families for the birth of their child (or children) and the immediate postpartum period.

Additionally, I provide on-site support through labor, delivery and early postpartum in a hospital, birthing center or home birth setting and will offer multiple postpartum follow up visits if desired.

I am a member of Ilana Siegal’s Lifeworks Studio in Great Barrington, MA, and the Berkshire Doula Collective.

I live in the Lakeville/Salisbury area with my husband and son. Together, with our dog Henry, we enjoy spending time with family, taking hikes on the surrounding mountains and cooking scrumptious meals.

My pronouns are she/her.

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Myself with my husband Tyler Spofford and our son Ollie Spofford. Taken by Chris Littler in July 2020.
my birth story.

I knew that i wanted my story to be here. What i didn't expect, however, is how hard it would be for me to put words to my own experience. How do you simply convey the most transformational experience of your life?

I have an immense amount of gratitude and nostalgia for my birth experience. It was deeply empowering, and most importantly -- it was mine. Though I had the loving energy of my husband, sister, doula and midwives surrounding me, I felt complete autonomy of my body and my choices. I was met with gentle encouragement and support in the moments I needed it, particularly as it came time to push.

I gave birth to my son in the early hours of a September morning, just as the sun was rising. I remember looking out the bathroom window -  my doula and my husband were in the next room - and thinking, "Wow. It's morning. And i'm about to have a baby."

Up to that moment, I couldn’t have told you whether it was morning, noon or night. But seeing the light grounded me. That small moment snapped me out of “labor land” - as I like to call it - and into the present moment where I was alert and ready to meet my baby for the first time. At the time of his birth, he was nameless, and it wasn’t until 3 days later that we knew he was our Ollie.

I could tell you countless details about everything leading up to this moment: the path to pregnancy, the journey through it, and even more about time days, months, and years that have since passed. But i'd rather save those details for when you and i can talk.

If my story resonates with you, or brings up any questions you have about your own upcoming experience, please don't hesitate to reach out. I do what I do to connect with women and to give back a little of what I got.

You are strong. You can do this. Thank you for reading.

Lizzy Spalding


in active labor with ollie.


the moment after.